Thursday, March 27, 2008

Beacon: Dia

There were several pieces at the Beacon: Dia that made an impact on me, from Warhol's paintings, to the videos by Bruce Nauman, to the large steel installations by Richard Serra. One work that made a particular impact on me was the exhibit by Sol Lewitt. I had previous knowledge of Lewitt's work and was very excited to have the opportunity to view it first hand. His product was overwhelming and impressive to say the least. His application of pastel squares meticulously draw on the walls of the Dia looked more like subtle projections than graphite. His perfect lines were incredible, and without a doubt the most impressive part of each of the compositions. Lewitt's work has a unique style and sense of perfection from color theory and understanding of the line to his execution. Sol Lewitt's work is an inspiration to artists and truly a landmark in art history.

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